Nunchaku Association of India

Affilated with World Nunchaku Association

office:- 842 Dabouli West, Kanpur Nagar- 208022, U.P
M: 9336231850, 7652093058

About Nunchaku Association of India

The Nunchaku Association of India promotes nunchaku practice Games all over India and; World and has made a clear system available to everyone from an early age to seniors and Super-seniors, wherever they are from. We are honored to be the nunchaku organization with the most members in India, and we will continue to promote the practice of nunchaku in any way.

NAI students participate in a comprehensive training schedule that has been designed to improve their respective sports. Our detailed training programs will allow you to develop your technical, tactical, mental, and physical attributes to give you the tools to reach your potential.
NAI Sports Federation was developed to provide a platform for young athletes and pupils to reach their potential in sport. We work to create an environment where the pupils feel happy to push themselves to their limits and are supported in doing so. The federation primary aim is individual improvement which also feeds into whole school sport improvement.
We have experienced lecturers and coaches who possess a wide range of coaching qualifications as well as sport specific understanding. You will have the opportunity to benefit between 4 and 7 hours per week of training and fixtures.