Nunchaku Association of India

Affilated with World Nunchaku Association

office:- 842 Dabouli West, Kanpur Nagar- 208022, U.P
M: 9336231850, 7652093058

3rd National Nuncahku Tournament

The 3rd National Nunchaku Tournament, organized by the Nunchaku Association of India, is a prestigious competition providing nunchaku practitioners across the country with increased opportunities to showcase their skills at the highest level. Following an open format, this tournament welcomes participants from all regions, allowing every athlete in India to compete and demonstrate their nunchaku expertise. The event is structured under the umbrella of the Nunchaku Association of India to bring together the best competitors in a series championships that boast an unprecedented scale and quality.


  • Junior (upto 16 age)
    • Sub Junior 6-13 age
    • Junior 14- 16 age
  • Adults/squad(17 : -35)
    • Cadet squad 17-21 age
    • Junior squad 22-26 age
    • Youth squad 27-31 age
    • Senior squad 32-35 age
  • Senior (+35 age)


  • Sports Nunchaku Freestyle
    • Male
    • Female
  • Sports Nunchaku Kata
    • Male
    • Female
  • Sports Nunchaku Kumite
    • Male
    • Female

Registration Information:

  • Registration Start : 10 Jan 2023
  • Registration end : 24 Jan 2023

Contact Information:

Master Babul Verma   

(General Secretary NAI)

+91 9336231850


Vijay Kumar Kushwaha

+91 6387501137

